Roy Ramthun and Paul Verberne from HSA Consulting Services welcome Itamar Romanini as their new partner. Itamar brings over 20 years of industry experience in the HSA and CDH space, ranging from operations and technology, to strategy, sales and marketing.
This addition expands the scope of capabilities from HSA Consulting Services, which has been focused on legal, compliance and regulatory matters, as well as the HSA Expert Certification training program.
“We are thrilled to have Itamar join our team. His extensive knowledge and experience in the industry are “best in class” which will add tremendous value to our clients. Having worked with Itamar for many years, we know that he will make significant contributions to our work and provide additional insights and expertise that will enhance the quality of service we deliver.” said Roy Ramthun.
“Itamar is one of the most knowledgable people in the CDH industry, having planned and managed information technology and development teams for banks, led sales, marketing and business development teams at the highest levels, and has been a trusted strategist and advisor as a member of executive teams for leading CDH banks and fintech companies. His wealth of operational and strategic experience is a truly valuable addition to the knowledge and services we can bring to our clients” said Paul Verberne.
“It’s an honor to join Roy and Paul, and hit the ground running with awesome client partners. Our joint experiences and expertise are truly unique in the HSA and CDH consulting space, and allow us to work with many different partners in helping them grow their business.” said Itamar Romanini.
The team already added several new clients and are working with established industry players, banks trying to determine how to make their HSA program more efficient, and startups navigating the intricacies of HSAs.
HSA Consulting Services extensive consulting capabilities include:
- Business, Technology and Operations
- Legal, Regulatory affairs and Compliance
- Training
- Strategy, Sales and Marketing
For more information about working with HSA Consulting Services, or to learn more about any of their programs, please contact [email protected], or visit their website at to connect directly with one of their partners.